
For Companies

We provide professional technical services to companies and their employees that focus on problem solving for specific issues, and provide need-based translation/interpretation and staffing involving reputable international experts. We start with individual consultation, and utilize online tools, artificial intelligence, and expert intelligence to understand your specific project/objective/problem. We then acquire advice from experienced professionals and provide resources in the specific technical area. PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycles are always followed to help the company effectively and efficiently find reliable technical information, and directly connect to experts in the exact same area. In addition, we hold training sessions for company employees to learn and improve their knowledge and technological understanding. All projects and training sessions are easily found within our secured online system.

For Institutions

We connect professors, scientists, researchers, and engineers having knowledge and skill in specific areas with our industrial clients to help with real-world problem solving. Our well-integrated technical information system allows universities and institutions to see a bigger picture for directing and planning their own intellectual collaboration with industry.

For Experts

Through our well-integrated technical information system, we provide solutions for university professors, scientists, researchers, and engineers to better understand real-world industrial needs. Our all-in-one cloud-based online system is available for experts to create, develop, and maintain a one-stop workspace. This workspace can efficiently communicate and provide consultation domestically and internationally to industrial clients within the same area of expertise.